Service Positions: Secretary

Berkeley, CA

At Nooners, the Secretary (or chairperson) is the NA member who guides the recovery meeting by following the meeting format and Nooners script.

The Secretary, a different person each day, sets the tone for the rest of the meeting, establishing a positive atmosphere of recovery. This might include keeping order in the meeting. Kindness and calmness go a long way in preserving the atmosphere of recovery. A Secretary who can be both loving and firm can keep the meeting focused on carrying the message of recovery.




From the NA Group Booklet

The secretary (sometimes called the chairperson) arranges the affairs of the group, often by asking other group members to help out. One of the first jobs for a new secretary is registering the group’s current mailing address and meeting information with the area service committee secretary and the World Service Office. When a new group secretary or GSR takes office or there is a change in the group’s mail- ing address or the time or location of a group meeting, both the area committee and World Service Office should be informed. Other things a group secretary is responsible for may include: