Service Positions: Secretary
At Nooners, the Secretary (or chairperson) is the NA member who guides the recovery meeting by following the meeting format and Nooners script.
The Secretary, a different person each day, sets the tone for the rest of the meeting, establishing a positive atmosphere of recovery. This might include keeping order in the meeting. Kindness and calmness go a long way in preserving the atmosphere of recovery. A Secretary who can be both loving and firm can keep the meeting focused on carrying the message of recovery.
- 6-months clean time
- Commitment for 1-meeting per week for 3-months
- Currently working the Steps with a sponsor
- Familiarity with the Zoom application:
- The Secretary is assigned Zoom co-hosting status by the Host.
- Arrive 15 minutes early to greet arriving attendees and arrange for speakers for the Group Readings.
- A secretary who must be absent from their meeting will find a substitute, a trusted servant from among these current servants: secretaries, treasurer, GSR, hosts, and former Trusted Servants
- Attend the monthly Nooners business meeting and report on the day you secretary.
- (Friday Secretary) Finding a speaker for the Friday meeting
- Calling on who is next to read or share
- In life, preparation is an essential tool for preventing or minimizing problems. To deal with the rare disruptive member, read the NA pamphlet Disruptive & Violent Behavior before you require its information. If a disruption does occur:
- Remind all attendees of the rules regarding cross-talk, chat, etc. by repeating the related phrases from the Secretary Script.
- Mute the disruptive individual and if necessary the Host or Secretary should use the Zoom controls to eject the disruptive person from the meeting.
- Nooners Meeting Script (PDF)(v2.5)
- Disruptive & Violent Behavior (PDF)
From the NA Group Booklet
The secretary (sometimes called the chairperson) arranges the affairs of the group, often by asking other group members to help out. One of the first jobs for a new secretary is registering the group’s current mailing address and meeting information with the area service committee secretary and the World Service Office. When a new group secretary or GSR takes office or there is a change in the group’s mail- ing address or the time or location of a group meeting, both the area committee and World Service Office should be informed. Other things a group secretary is responsible for may include:
- Opening the meeting room well before the meeting is scheduled to begin, setting up chairs and tables (if necessary), and cleaning and locking the room after the meeting is over.
- Arranging a table with NA books and pamphlets, local meeting lists, NA activity fliers, service bulletins, The NA Way Magazine, and NA newsletters.
- Making tea or coffee.
- Buying refreshments and other supplies.
- Selecting meeting leaders and speakers.
- Keeping a list of group members’ recovery anniversaries, if the group wishes.
- Organizing group business meetings.
- And doing whatever else needs to be done.